A Sweet Ending To A New Beginning

After twenty seven years, a man wearing steel toe boots and safety glasses walked through the main gate at Cooper Tire for his last time. No more lunchbox or badge checks at the gate. No more battling the elements on those long walks from the parking lot. No more 12 hour days.I can’t believe it’s been twenty seven years since my husband, Tim, accepted a position at Cooper Tire & Rubber Company. We loaded up trailers and left our family and friends for a new adventure in East Texas. Our firstborn was a year old and we had another one on the way. The move was eventful, just like life has been.Cooper Tire had a great reputation for good pay and exceptional benefits. But when you’re the low man in seniority, the hours aren’t so enjoyable. Just like everyone else, Tim had to “pay his dues” with many years of graveyard and evening shifts before he could obtain a slot on the coveted “day shift”. Those days were excruciating. Raising a young family in a new town was challenging enough without dealing with a wonky work schedule. And then came the days of rotations, where most of the time I felt like I was in a rotation as we needed a calendar to keep track of the days and shifts he worked. Working most weekends and as much overtime as possible, he missed a ton of events and holidays in order to provide for his family. The days were long, but the years were short.Tim was recently offered another (local) job and prayerfully made the decision to take an early retirement from Cooper. Spending most of his life at the same company for nearly three decades is to be commended. A few years ago, I recall someone telling me if she stayed employed at the same job for thirty days, she would get a cash bonus. Another one at sixty and ninety days. And if she remained employed for one year, she got a huge bonus…what?? For being a loyal and dependable employee?? In a day where hiring and keeping employees is becoming more extinct, I commend all the hard workers at Cooper Tire who have stuck out the long days and uncertain contracts for the sake of their family. I celebrate my husband today. I’m proud of him and so very grateful he is mine. His new employer is getting a good one! Besides being the best husband and father around, he has also served as a coach, scout leader, SS teacher and a deacon. But most importantly he serves God first. If it doesn’t line up with God’s word, this man ain’t doing it! His favorite Bible verse is Micah 6:8 “…the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”‬‬ Cooper Tire was a blessing to my family and is an asset to our community. Tim has countless friendships and has no doubt grown and matured in his field at the hands of that historical tire factory. The maintenance guys even bought him a retirement gift. I’m certain there are things he will miss and things he won’t. I bet he won’t miss the rainy walks from the parking lot or smelling “like money” (rubber) all the time. He won’t miss being covered in powdery carbon black from head to toe or working in temperatures as hot as hades. However awful some days probably were, Tim persevered. He was true to Cooper Tire because he is a loyal man of integrity. I’ve always said two things about him: he can fix anything and he’s the hardest working man I’ve ever known. Am I blessed or what?

So begins, a sweet ending to a new beginning. A new chapter in our Adventure Book of life. I’m ready, TByrd….I’d go anywhere with you! And guess what? After 27 years, you finally get to see daylight in the wintertime!

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